5 mistakes when planning the kitchen, which is better to peep at others, than to find at

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Kitchen on individual design assumes that every detail is thought out, and the risk of disappointment is minimized. But in fact, most often, so that customers, creating a list of your wishes, do not account for the seemingly little things that really are important. And all because they can guess only from my own experience. In this review - 5 mistakes that much better spy on others than to see in your kitchen.

1. impractical facades

Glass doors on cabinets require perfect order.
Glass doors on cabinets require perfect order.

Closed facades throughout the kitchen look a little bulky, but at the same time they make life easier fantastic. If you choose a glass door, be prepared for what will always have to direct order, placing everything under the line.

If you still want the glass, then give preference to matte surfaces. Visually looks good, and at the same time masking the disorder, if suddenly there is one, or not very attractive jars, sachets with herbs and other trifles.

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By the way, there is another useful tip: install frosted glass surface inside, otherwise it will continue to be contaminated with soot and grease during cooking time. If you read this advice too late and have to constantly clean off the glass, read the tips on how to do this without the use of "chemistry", the site Novate.ru.

2. open shelves

On open shelves very quickly going to a lot of unnecessary junk.
On open shelves very quickly going to a lot of unnecessary junk.

Open shelves on the brochures look attractive. They can put a decorative trinkets, sets of cups, souvenirs or jars with spices. In fact, all of this space is rapidly converted to landfill, as each family member a desire to do something to bring or put on occasion. After - must constantly raskhlamlyat such shelves and wipe all things from dust.

3. internal shelves

Glass shelves take much less space than those that are made of chipboard.
Glass shelves take much less space than those that are made of chipboard.

Many do not pay due attention to the internal height of the shelves, relying on the designer in this matter. As a result, all the shelves can be designed in one level, it's easier and faster to produce. But that's not so convenient. The problem is that all things - different heights, as a result it is necessary that do not fit, but somewhere, on the contrary, will be walking a lot of space. The situation can be corrected with additional shelves from Ikea, but at the same time, is it worth it? Perhaps easier to take care of everything from the beginning.

It is also important, from what made shelves. Those that are made of chipboard, occupy a lot of space due to the thickness of the material, but glass - much better to save space.

4. Location microwave

Use a microwave oven to the ceiling difficult.
Use a microwave oven to the ceiling difficult.

Where to put the microwave oven - one of the main issues when planning furniture. It takes a lot of space, so you want to use it rationally. Most often, the microwave is inserted into one of the shelves, this solution can be called successful if the shelf - at an acceptable level. If the microwave is practically on the ceiling or, conversely, too low to use it would be extremely inconvenient.

5. The handles on the facades

Choose a simple and convenient handles for the kitchen fronts.
Choose a simple and convenient handles for the kitchen fronts.

And one more little thing, which does not reflect the 90% of people thinking through the interior of the kitchen. It's about the handles on the facades. Often, the only criterion by which they are selected, - the visual appeal and the harmonious combination with the design of the cabinets. But in fact, the selection criteria should be more. For example, some are oblong handle with sharp edges, it is possible that you will be constantly on them to stumble, bruises and contusions not preumnozhat your love for the kitchen.
But handle with elaborate design can be a real hotbed of dirt, so choose simple shapes, they, at least, easier to clean.

If you picks repairs, take note of these 15 tips in the design of the kitchen. They will definitely come in handy!

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