Many people try to avoid leather products just because they are afraid not to distinguish a substitute from a natural material. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. It is very useful to have knowledge and skills in this regard, because in our time it is far from always possible to believe the labels that flaunt on shoes, clothes and even furniture.
What you need to know about natural leather
The quality of a leather product can vary greatly depending on the raw materials used by the manufacturer. Most often used skins of cattle, horses, ostriches, crocodiles and some other animals. In addition, the quality of the leather is greatly influenced by the substances that were used in the process of its manufacture. Today, synthetic or combined formulations are most often used. Finally, the quality of the leather is influenced by the dressing method, such as rawhide or tanning. As a result, after dressing, the leather acquires many qualities that were not originally characteristic of it: elasticity, water resistance, high strength, and low thermal conductivity.
What you need to know about synthetic leather
Previously, leatherette could be easily distinguished by its characteristic odor, but now manufacturers have learned to make an incredibly high-quality substitute that is very similar to a natural product. The main thing to know about synthetic material is that it is no less durable, does not cause allergic reactions, and in a number of parameters even surpass natural materials (if the quality production). All this was achieved thanks to the addition of natural elements to the substitute. The leatherette is breathable and does not deform in the cold.
How to distinguish genuine leather from leatherette
Of course, no one in the store will allow you to check the naturalness of the leather using "folk methods", for example, with a lighter. However, there are a number of parameters that you need to pay close attention to in order to try to effectively recognize the material.
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So, artificial leather stretches easily, while resembling synthetic fabric. It is soft and elastic. Leatherette is usually much thinner than real leather. This will be clearly visible in places with an unprotected cut. If you have a magnifying glass on hand, you can try to examine the skin for pores. If there are small dots, then it is a natural product.
You should definitely pay attention to the color. When rubbed with natural material, it will not change color. Another important point is heat transfer. Natural skin heats up quickly even from a human hand. Artificial leather is almost never heated.
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