Capstan loop: why a given knot should be able to do the owner

  • Dec 14, 2020
Capstan loop: why a given knot should be able to do the owner
Capstan loop: why a given knot should be able to do the owner

The marine knot described today received the name "capstan" only in 1984, when the book by LN Skryagin "Sea knots" was published. The author came up with this name for the node in order to better reflect the principle of its operation, drawing parallels with the ship's winch - the cabesatan, used to lift loads and select an anchor. The common thing between the mechanism and the node is that they do not have a "reverse" during the execution of the task. What is such a knot for and why will it be useful in everyday life?

What is a capstan loop and what is it used for?

Useful for the movement of goods. / Photo:
Useful for the movement of goods. / Photo:

The capstan hinge belongs to the group of "snap hinges" or single hinges with variable properties. Its design combines elements of a tightening and non-tightening loop, the shoulder of which snaps tightly, turning the entire structure into a non-tightening loop if necessary.

A capstan loop is used to tie a variety of loads, transport and lift them. Previously, this loop was widely used in the maritime business for loading and unloading operations. The rope construction has not lost its relevance even today.

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Pros and cons

There are more pluses than minuses. / Photo:

The most important advantage of the capstan hinge is that it combines the properties of tightening and non-tightening loops. Thanks to this, the working dimensions of the structure can be relatively easily adjusted. In addition, the hinge is considered very reliable. Among the minuses, only the complexity of its tie and external similarity with other similar designs should be highlighted, which makes it difficult to create a capstan loop, especially for beginners.

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How to tie a capstan loop

Tying is not that difficult. / Photo:

Step one - we put the running end on the root

Time. / Photo:

Step two - we make a detour around the root end, after which we direct the running end towards the loop

Two. / Photo:

Step three - thread the running end into the loop from bottom to top

Three. / Photo:

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Step four - thread the running end again

Four. / Photo:

Step five - tighten the knot

Five. / Photo:

Continuing the topic, read about how to make a powerful electric motor yourself from a conventional car generator.
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