Content1 Kitchen hood operation1.1 Work principles1.2 Air vent or filter2 Hood filters2.1 Coarse ...
Content1 Why purify the air in the kitchen2 Types of hoods. Advantages and disadvantages of a sus...
Content1 Five criteria for choosing a hood2 Range of hoods for a private house2.1 By the principl...
Content1 Project1.1 Niche1.2 Built-in appliances1.3 Solutions from manufacturers1.4 Removing the ...
Content1 Choose the right device1.1 Two-chamber unit1.2 Single chamber models2 Determine a place ...
Content1 What can be done with the refrigerator under the window1.1 Positive and negative sides o...
Content1 Baby food ritual2 Kitchen appliances2.1 Appliances2.2 Kitchen furniture2.3 Optional acce...
Content1 The advantages of dome models2 Types of dome hoods2.1 By form2.2 Based on materials3 Wha...
Content1 Hood types1.1 Flat hoods1.2 Dome devices1.3 Built-in appliances2 Power3 Mounting4 Conclu...
Content1 What ventilation consists of1.1 The nuances of the ventilation system1.2 We solve the pr...
Content1 Familiar equipment that can impress even the seasoned master2 Thermal conditioning is a ...
Content1 Washing machine in the kitchen - excellent or impractical1.1 Positive and negative sides...