Content1 Varieties of kitchen hoods1.1 By the principle of work1.2 By installation method2 Hood i...
Content1 Hood dimensions2 Extraction capacity2.1 How performance is calculated2.2 Performance Tip...
Content1 What you need to know about hoods1.1 Varieties1.2 Technical features2 Installing a kitch...
Content1 Types of kitchen hoods1.1 Built-in cooker hoods1.2 Flat hoods1.3 Dome kitchen hoods1.4 I...
Content1 Quiet hoods - what they are1.1 The role of noise in human life1.2 Producers' efforts1.3 ...
Content1 Hood types1.1 By the principle of action1.2 By form and method of installation2 Six feat...
Content1 About island cuisine and more1.1 Species - main characteristics1.2 Choosing a hood is ea...
Content1 Choosing a hood1.1 Hood types by design type1.2 Types of hoods according to the specific...
Content1 What to look for when choosing - 5 criteria1.1 Volume and power1.2 Number of heating ele...
Content1 Understanding the essence is important and informative1.1 The essence is the essence, an...
Content1 Types of air ducts: advantages and disadvantages of materials1.1 Aluminum1.2 Plastic2 Se...
Content1 Food blocks in catering establishments1.1 Equipment selection principles1.2 Kitchen furn...