Content1 Types of hoods for the kitchen1.1 Installation classification1.2 By method of work1.3 Ca...
Content1 Causes of food processor malfunctions1.1 Frequent problems with Bosch equipment1.2 Combi...
Content1 Furnace construction1.1 Furnace foundation1.2 Furnace masonry - general1.3 Step by step ...
Content1 Modern built-in kitchen appliances1.1 Built-in gas hobs1.2 Electric hobs2 Combined hobs ...
Content1 Built-in refrigerators without freezer2 Two-compartment built-in refrigerators3 Wine coo...
Content1 Selection options1.1 Dimensions1.2 Viewing angle1.3 Functional2 Installation and mainten...
Content1 What is a cooker hood1.1 Housing1.2 Engine1.3 Control2 Filters2.1 Coarse filters2.2 Fine...
Content1 How will we choose1.1 Small kitchen solutions1.2 Large kitchen - great opportunities1.3 ...
Content1 A bit of history2 Overview of Bosch built-in kitchen appliances2.1 Dishwashers2.2 Ovens2...
Content1 Selection by parameters1.1 Diagonal1.2 Device type1.3 Functionality1.4 The cost2 Placeme...
Content1 Cooker hoods1.1 Device1.2 Hood selection2 ConclusionNow, in almost any kitchen where a l...
Content1 How the hood works1.1 Coarse air purification1.2 Fine cleaning2 How to maintain an air c...