
Repair of Bosch food processors: how to do it yourself, instructions, photos, price and video tutorials

Repair of Bosch food processors: how to do it yourself, instructions, photos, price and video tutorials

Content1 Causes of food processor malfunctions1.1 Frequent problems with Bosch equipment1.2 Combi...

A filter for a kitchen hood: how to clean it yourself, instructions, photo and video tutorials

A filter for a kitchen hood: how to clean it yourself, instructions, photo and video tutorials

Content1 What is a cooker hood1.1 Housing1.2 Engine1.3 Control2 Filters2.1 Coarse filters2.2 Fine...

Built-in TV for the kitchen (41 photos): DIY video instructions for choosing, photo and price

Built-in TV for the kitchen (41 photos): DIY video instructions for choosing, photo and price

Content1 How will we choose1.1 Small kitchen solutions1.2 Large kitchen - great opportunities1.3 ...

Choosing a small TV for the kitchen

Choosing a small TV for the kitchen

Content1 Selection by parameters1.1 Diagonal1.2 Device type1.3 Functionality1.4 The cost2 Placeme...

Kitchen hoods - types (45 photos), principle of operation and maintenance

Kitchen hoods - types (45 photos), principle of operation and maintenance

Content1 How the hood works1.1 Coarse air purification1.2 Fine cleaning2 How to maintain an air c...