Content1 How to decide on the choice2 Ceiling painting2.1 Ceiling painting technology3 Foam ceili...
Content1 Types of ceiling structures1.1 Plaster2 Ceiling tiles2.1 Plastic panels2.2 Stretch ceili...
Content1 Why GKL2 Kitchen design ideas2.1 First idea - multi-level ceiling2.2 Second idea - ceili...
Content1 A variety of design solutions as the main argument for choosing false ceilings for the k...
Content1 Features of a suspended ceiling2 Start workflow - preparation2.1 Materials2.2 Tools3 Ins...
Content1 Varieties of stretch ceilings mounted in the kitchen1.1 Glossy surface1.2 Matte coating1...
Content1 Ceiling requirements2 Overview of the advantages and disadvantages of 6 finishing materi...
Content1 Features of two-level ceilings1.1 The advantages of two-level structures1.2 Frame2 Four ...
Content1 Popular ceiling finishes1.1 Option 1. Drywall (gypsum plasterboard)1.2 Option 2. Stretch...
Content1 Ceiling finishes1.1 Suspended ceiling1.2 Stretch ceiling1.3 Pasting with tiles, wallpape...
Content1 Modern design methods2 Ceiling in the kitchen: design features and choice of materials3 ...
Content1 The following types of repair can be distinguished2 Surface repair2.1 Whitewashing with ...