Ceramic granite is a mixture of kaolinite and illite (clay with varying degrees of plasticity), p...
Content1 For any conditions and taste1.1 Characteristics, and from the place of work also1.2 Few ...
Content1 Such different mixers in bronze1.1 Lever mixers1.2 Two-valve mixer2 Kitchen design plus ...
Content1 What are Franke shells made of?1.1 Stainless steel1.2 Fragranite1.3 Glass1.4 Titanium co...
Content1 Enamel and base material1.1 Steel enamelled sink1.2 Enamelled ceramic sink1.3 Enamelled ...
Content1 Versatility is our choice1.1 Let's talk about ceramics1.2 Ceramics in the kitchen: pros ...
Content1 We cut in a new sink1.1 Markup1.2 Cut out the bore hole1.3 Mount1.4 Checking the result2...
Content1 Synthetic stone - a unique material for sanitary ware1.1 Features of production1.2 Types...
Content1 Installation of sanitary fittings1.1 Preparatory operations: dismantling the old mixer1....
Content1 Kitchen faucets2 Two-valve2.1 Advantages2.2 disadvantages3 Single-lever3.1 Advantages3.2...
Content1 Mixer selection1.1 Mixer selection depending on the indoor device1.2 Faucet spout is an ...
Content1 The first stage is preparation1.1 Tools and materials1.2 Room preparation2 Second stage ...