Content1 Special requirements for mixers1.1 What a quality mixer should be made of1.2 Equipment2 ...
Content1 What happened1.1 Valve type mixer elements2 What's coming2.1 Device2.2 Advantages of lev...
Content1 The uniqueness of black mixers1.1 Preparation method1.2 Some varieties2 Some models of b...
Content1 Which mixer to choose1.1 Don't forget when buying2 Installation and connection of a mixe...
Content1 About safety, good taste rules, and mixers1.1 Useful little things of the preparatory pe...
Content1 For any conditions and taste1.1 Characteristics, and from the place of work also1.2 Few ...
Content1 Such different mixers in bronze1.1 Lever mixers1.2 Two-valve mixer2 Kitchen design plus ...
Content1 Installation of sanitary fittings1.1 Preparatory operations: dismantling the old mixer1....
Content1 Kitchen faucets2 Two-valve2.1 Advantages2.2 disadvantages3 Single-lever3.1 Advantages3.2...
Content1 Mixer selection1.1 Mixer selection depending on the indoor device1.2 Faucet spout is an ...
Content1 Selection algorithm2 Main characteristics of mixers2.1 Design features2.2 Materials2.3 A...
Content1 Advantages of Kaiser mixers2 Kaiser mixer types2.1 Single lever mixers2.2 Double-lever m...