Content1 Faucets with flexible spout - features and varieties1.1 Differences from conventional mi...
Content1 The main types of kitchen sinks2 The most common forms2.1 Classic2.2 Round and oval2.3 W...
Content1 Common types of kitchen faucets2 Lever2.1 Ball cartridge2.2 Disk cartridge3 Two-valve ta...
Content1 Variety of options for Blanco kitchen sinks1.1 Fake diamond1.2 Stainless steel1.3 Cerami...
Content1 Choosing the optimal sink for the kitchen1.1 Size and depth1.2 The form1.3 Overhead or m...
Content1 Types of kitchen faucets1.1 By device type1.2 By design features2 Kitchen faucet design ...
Content1 What it is1.1 What is artificial stone1.2 Materials and manufacturers1.3 Benefits of sto...
Content1 Choice1.1 Ergonomic1.2 Materials1.3 Configuration1.4 Accessories2 Installation3 SummaryO...
Content1 Advantages and disadvantages2 Classification of sinks by type of installation2.1 Overhea...
Content1 Blanco products2 Interesting and unusual solutions2.1 Cylindrical mixer Elos and Elos Co...
Content1 Advantages of corner sinks2 Corner sink options2.1 Available materials2.2 Types of corne...
Content1 Everything you need to know about artificial sinks2 Pros and cons of the material2.1 Ben...