The original method of growing radishes in the trays out of the egg

The original method of growing radishes in the trays out of the egg

A photo: https://сажаем-сад.рф/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/original-1024x682.jpgIn this article I ...

Getting rid of flies in the area: an improved method for the village

Getting rid of flies in the area: an improved method for the village

A photo: the not very easy unlike mosquitoes and b...

How do I get rid of weeds, finding them useful application

How do I get rid of weeds, finding them useful application

On weed control takes the lion's share of time of any gardener. Someone pesters sow thistle, some...

Most neighbors carrot: next to someone to plant root

Most neighbors carrot: next to someone to plant root

A photo: spring, I start with t...

Why seedlings stretched and weakened: the main reasons

Why seedlings stretched and weakened: the main reasons

A photo: garden...

Useful use of plastic bottles in the country (Part 8)

Useful use of plastic bottles in the country (Part 8)

By tradition, every three weeks I collect several ways beneficial use of plastic bottles in the c...

Wireworm bait for: unusual, but effective method

Wireworm bait for: unusual, but effective method

Photo: have already ...

Lure earthworms in the garden and stimulate their proliferation

Lure earthworms in the garden and stimulate their proliferation

A photo: benefits of earthworms knows...

Does it make sense to buy for the garden fertile soil

Does it make sense to buy for the garden fertile soil

A photo:; s = 644x461Gardeni...

Live mulch of clover: conclusions after 10 years of practice

Live mulch of clover: conclusions after 10 years of practice

A photo: it began...

Getting rid of mosquitoes in the country in using a homemade trap

Getting rid of mosquitoes in the country in using a homemade trap

A photo: large number of m...

Making beds warm to improved thermal insulation (bottled)

Making beds warm to improved thermal insulation (bottled)

A photo:

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